*Donations are made through the One Mission Society website.
Partnership Opportunities
HOPE61 has established a sustainable, cost-effective model for equipping churches to prevent human trafficking in their local communities. Future plans focus on expanding and deepening the ministry’s impact by training national coworkers to facilitate ENGAGE trainings in a more culturally relevant and cost-effective way.
MULTIPLY training for national coworkers will expand and deepen the ministry of prevention and prepare them to facilitate ENGAGE trainings in their own countries. Our national coworkers can train those in their own regions with less travel and at less expense. They are also better able to provide follow-up coaching and accountability.
For the ministry of HOPE61 to flourish, there must be an international support structure that can provide vision casting and partnership development; encouragement, mentoring, and accountability; and appropriate translated training materials.
Partner today with HOPE61 to prevent human trafficking across the globe. HOPE61 training impacts whole communities by helping believers define their strengths and use their God-given abilities to eliminate vulnerabilities. The impact of your investment will be multiplied by OMS’ worldwide network of church relationships.

Support Our Mission
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Click the link HERE to give to HOPE61 through the One Mission Society website. You can give online using a Credit/Debit Card or E-Check. Thank you for your donation!
Donate by Mail
If you prefer to give by mail, you may do so by sending your gift to our gift processing center. Please make checks payable to One Mission Society. Be sure to include HOPE61 – #407841 on the memo line or in an attached note.
One Mission Society
P.O. Box A
Greenwood, IN 46142-6599