
Raising Awareness. Equipping the Church.

“For far too long, the church has off-loaded its biblical responsibility to respond to issues of injustice in its community. The church has not only the responsibility but also the best opportunity of all organizations to facilitate real change through the power of the Holy Spirit.”

Tom Overton, Former Global Director, HOPE61

HOPE61, a ministry of One Mission Society (OMS), mobilizes the church around the world to prevent all forms of human trafficking with collaborative training that equips churches to use their talents, abilities, and resources to address the vulnerabilities that lead to trafficking. The ministry emphasizes reaching out to all who are vulnerable to becoming involved in trafficking: victims, traffickers, and buyers.

Human trafficking forcefully converts a human being to a commodity. One person profits by stripping rights and dignity from another person. There is no element of consent for the trafficked person. It is the second-largest illegal business in the world, surpassed only by the illegal arms trade. Each year, millions of people are trafficked. HOPE61 believes the best long-term solution—and the only one that influences all people vulnerable to becoming traffickers and buyers as well as victims—is for churches to address specific vulnerabilities within their communities.

At its core, HOPE61 is an evangelism and discipleship catalyst aimed directly at those who are vulnerable to becoming involved in human trafficking.

Human Trafficking Prevention Training

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